Your Environment is How your Skin Behaves! You have to change with the seasons! How you can change your skincare based on the season!

2 min readFeb 2, 2022


Konstantin Kakanias

I have to admit that when I started understanding my skin it was like a eureka moment! Question? Do you know your skin? Like your skin type, skincare, and how to get your skin goals! Click here to learn about your skin.

So we already know that we have 4 seasons so use this as it applies to your environment!

Spring/Summer: As the weather gets warmer we will get more rain and sunshine! So this lets us know that we will be having humidity in the air. This season is great for dry skin types because it will bring more moisture to the skin. However, for my oily and combination skin types, you will start to see an increase in oil production due to the increase in humidity. Nutritionists suggest that we need to ramp up on our Vitamin A, C, D, E as well as drink loads of water to keep up ourselves hydrated.

Tip: Oily, and combination skin types I want you all to focus on keeping your oils balanced. This is why I stress the importance of the right products for the right skin type. Harsh skincare products can strip the skin of essential oils and cause the skin to work overtime. Click here to check out the kit for your skin type. USE YOUR SUNSCREEN!

Fall/Winter: As the weather gets colder the humidity begins to drop and we have less sun exposure. This is the season for any bring skincare treatment you want. I always suggest chemical peels in this colder season because it's less sun exposure. Since we don't have as much sun exposure that doesn't mean that sunscreen isn’t applied we need sunscreen all season. Cooler weather gives astringent benefits such as reducing clogged pores and keeping pores refined. Cold weather also slows down oil production and helps to reduce acne.

Tip: Use the link here to get your skincare products for your skin type. When dealing with colder seasons we know our skin will be drier. Please take a warm shower, hot and long showers tend to dry out the skin.

I am a licensed Esthetician and Beauty enthusiast. If you have any questions or want to connect with me and more here




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